Art to inspire. Art for healing.
Sow good seeds to the souls.
Artist • Bibliophile • Educator
My artistic journey is a personal and spiritual exploration. It was a bold decision for me to leave a full-time job at the Natural History Museum and become an art student learning Fine Art in the USA in 2016. I believe that God has been directing my steps on this faith-based art journey, and it has been an important calling for me to paint. Since then, I have had two solo exhibitions and participated in eight art group shows in the San Francisco Bay Area and Florence. I have also individually organized three art and music salons and hosted many online bilingual music, art storytimes, and online art events.
Traveling and painting have allowed me to experience the healing process. I am also researching nature-based therapeutic expressive arts in education, combining my art practice and teaching. I am grateful to be growing as an innovative and versatile artist with a lifelong learning mindset. I enjoy experimenting and working on many art projects and motifs in Fine Art and Illustration and switch freely from small sketchbooks to large canvases. God's word has been refreshing me while I am praying and painting. My inspiration comes from the feelings, emotions, music, imagination, life experiences, travels, walks in nature and towns, and books that enrich my mind and soothe my soul. I have always been passionate about singing and creating intuitive and spontaneous improvisational musical abstract paintings. My art mission is to inspire others through my intuitive and spontaneous artwork. I share my art journey of overcoming depression through the art's healing power and spreading positive messages, encouraging people to appreciate and show gratitude for nature and life and seek inner peace and joy through faith in God.
As an aspiring educator, I am grateful for the opportunity to practice and serve art communities worldwide, which will benefit future generations. I have studied and lived in various countries worldwide, including China, Australia, the UK, Italy, and the US. Currently, I live with my husband and son in Alameda, a cozy island city in the San Francisco Bay Area, California.
画家 •爱书者•教育者 •妻子 •母亲
曾在中国上海、澳大利亚布里斯班、英国伦敦、意大利佛罗伦萨、美国旧金山都有求学和生活的经历。曾在商学院、中小学、教育机构、外企、民营企业实习,也在英式茶室兼职,以及为广告节代表进行中英文笔译工作,也曾考取事业编制并全职于自然博物馆。25岁从博物馆的全职工作辞职,开启梦寐以求的学绘画之旅——第二个硕士在旧金山就读纯艺术绘画,是真正开启了我的艺术生生涯……(第一个硕士在伦敦就读专业是管理与组织创新,本科是以文科生参加高考在上海就读新闻传媒专业)……也是兜兜转转终于走在了自己一直希望的道路上,虽迟不晚,绘画是呼召也是上帝恩赐的礼物。所有的经历都是生命的一份礼物,丰富多彩的体验,都在最恰逢其时的契机里整合,每一步都有神的美意。感谢赞美主!27岁结婚生子后,我一边继续读书,一边和从生物化学博士毕业即转换做音乐教师的丈夫一起给儿子在家教育,目前在家教育已经第六年。很感恩,我依然拥有强有力的生命能量,源源不断的创作力,可以继续前行。虽然生活里曾经有很多艰难,但是我的家庭仍然也一起为主做工,一起给儿子设计学习内容,并且也一并惠及更多的家庭和孩子们。疫情期间,我也发起、组织并主持了近十场线上艺术分享会,主题涵盖了:中美艺术教育、艺术疗愈、自然艺术、表达性艺术疗愈、音乐教育、蒙特梭利教育等; 并且在我自己常规教学以外,为海内外的家庭提供并教学了几十场免费活动,内容包括:面向家庭亲子的双语绘本音乐绘画、儿童事工里的绘画、祷告绘画……
现在的我,可以自如应用综合媒介材料,在大小画布画纸间游刃有余的转换,可以面对承接多题材的项目;绘画于我而言,已经从小时候的本能擅长,到成为我心灵疗愈的一个管道,以及近些年我通过绘画去传递分享福音,并同时摆上了相当多的时间和能量在设计与教学艺术教育去造福下一代乃至更多代人。我也坚信,生命的果效是会彰显在数年、数十年、甚至百年并且绵延不绝的。通过绘画,想表达和传递的是爱与盼望,美好的消息,荣神益人。在绘画里记录幸福、感动与美好和一切的好坏情绪;也可把负面的能量转化成美好的输出,在过程里,心灵被医治和疗愈;在结果(bear fruit)里,心灵得饱足还能够激发与鼓励别人。
My Personal Long-term Projects
Freelance Work Experience
Onsite Art Teaching
Online Art Teaching
Event Organizer Experience
Solo Exhibition
Selected Group Exhibitions